By Con
George-Kotzabasis July 18, 2017
“The beginning is
the sign”. David Hilbert,
German mathematician
In the doom and gloom of the political and economic landscape
of Greece, a spectre haunts the country, the spectre of Marxist dictatorship. There
are ominous signs that Prime
Minister Tsipras and some of his closest associates are working on a sinister
secret plan that would prolong their staying in power beyond the date of the
expiration of their tenure. There are several signs (they will be identified
and explained below) and all of them are showing clearly, like lighted roads
that lead and meet at a central junction, that this central square is named
All the latest polls are indicating, that the Tsipras
government will get a merciless thrashing at the next election, to be held in
2019, in the hands of the electorate, as back payment for the historically
unprecedented deceptive promises and prodigious lies that Syriza had told the
people, for the purpose of winning the 2015 election, as well as for the severe
cuts in pensions and increase of taxes that Tsipras, by breaking all his
promises to the contrary, had imposed relentlessly and with no compunction, even
upon the most indigent parts of society. Tsipras, therefore, and his bosom
comrades are realising with great panic that their proud slogan of “First Time
Aristera” (Left Government) is to be transformed into the terrified shameful “Never
Again Aristera.” Therefore, to prevent this from happening, they will not
hesitate to extract the most nefarious means from the arsenal of Bolshevism so
they can remain in power. And as the game is up for them, politically and
electorally, they have nothing to lose by taking these extreme measures, since
they are fated to be consigned into the graveyard of history.
But this coup d’état
of Tsipras will not occur under the rattling of the tanks but under the
scratching of the pens. By making changes to the political processes of the
country, apparently by abiding the Constitution, that would open the road
toward dictatorship. (Not that he has any moral scruples in using the tanks--after
all his ideological kin the Soviet Union, used them in Czechoslovakia--but only
because he has no direct control over the armed forces.) However, before he
comes to the real McCoy, i.e., the setting-up of a Marxist dictatorship, he
will initially postpone or suspend the next election. And to do this he will
use as proschema, pretext, a contrived national threat or a real
one, such as provoking a military incident with Turkey. Hence by creating a casus belli he will render to himself extraordinary
powers enabling him to suspend normal constitutional processes and govern the country
by plebiscite.
What methods will Tsipras use to achieve his goal?
Whether he will fabricate a fictitious internal enemy such as an association of
so called right-wing politicians of New Democracy, and even involve its
president, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, with big corrupt business and bigwig criminals
involved in the importation of vast quantities of heroin, or whether he will
create a real enemy by provoking a military clash with
Turkey, Tsipras will use the rationale, by which he will attempt to convince
the people, that in order to fight either of these enemies successfully he must
be given the right to make the necessary amendments to the Constitution and
hence will call the people to agree to them through a plebiscite. It is hard to
imagine, that in conditions of great dangers to the country, in the first case,
the importation of heroin, with its deleterious effects upon the wellbeing of
Greece’s children, by a so called evil combination of politicians, businessmen,
and criminals, or a takeover of the country by a rapacious cabal of right-wing
politicians and big commerce and industry, which will profit at the expense of
the ordinary people, or the threat of war with Turkey, that it will be
difficult for the people to be convinced of either of these dangers and will therefore
render to Tsipras the right to make the appropriate changes to the
Constitution. Furthermore, the crescendo of violent demonstrations by anarchist
extremists of the left, in which the minister of public order deliberately
refuses to take a strong stand against this disorder, as todays incidents in
the heart of the retail trade centre of Athens shows, whose shops were broken
and vandalized, may also be a part of the conspirators plan that will
facilitate them to declare emergency measures or even martial law.
Tsipras therefore is confident that there will be no
mass reaction to his moves, and rests this trust on the passivity of the people
as well as on the passivity and indifference of the armed forces, which, since
the experience of the Junta, stand at arms-length from politics. What other forces
therefore could oust Tsipras from power, when all the key posts of government
will be held by people of his own ilk?
However, it will not be easy for Tsipras to convince
the guardians of the Constitution, the Judiciary, of the necessity or correctness
of these changes to the political processes of the country. This is the reason
why from the beginning of this year there has been a concerted and vicious
attack against the Judiciary by some ministers of the government, and even by
the Prime Minister himself, who has stated in public, that the Judiciary is a
“hindrance” to some of the policies of his government. And the primo uomo of this attack is the
Minister of Health Polakis, whose cursing cacophonous mantinades (Cretan couplets) against the Judiciary, may sound
noetically jarring and stupid but they hide behind them a clever purpose, i.e.,
to degrade, erode, and weaken its authority. Also, the involvement of the
Minister of Defence, Kammenos, in the investigative operations of the police in
regards to this huge quantity of heroin that was smuggled into the country by
criminals, which is a blunt violation of the separation of powers, i.e., of the
Executive, the Judiciary, and the Legislative, has also the same aim, that is,
to debilitate the Judiciary and its personnel. All the above are lucid signs of
the Tsipras government plot to disparage it and wear down its authority. As it
perceives, that the main obstacle to turn itself into a proletarian
dictatorship, is a robust and independent Judiciary, that espouses the
separation of powers and checks that the actions of government are in tangent
with the rules of the Constitution. The conspirators, however, will be
attempting to make ‘tailor-made’ interpretations of the Constitution so that they
will suit their actions which will creepily lead to their dictatorship.
But the most significant revealing sign is the
appointment by Tsipras, of the former Chief Justice of the High Court, Vasiliki
Thanou, as head of his Legal Office. Mrs. Thanou, is known for her skills as a
lawyer as well as for her political credentials of being a left-wing supporter
of long standing. She served, with the support of SYRIZA, as interim prime
minister prior to the election of Lukas Papadimou in Government. It is obvious
that Thanou, will be advising Tsipras on changes in the legal and political
processes of the country and on possible changes to the Constitution that would
facilitate him to consummate his secret plan. Indeed, she will be knitting,
with her skilful fingers, the regal toga that Tsipras will be wearing as
dictator of the proletariat. Since her appointment, she launched a vehement
attack against New Democracy for its audacity to criticise her appointment.
The question rises with no easy answers. How can one
kill the plan of Tsipras at the initial stages of its incubation? But there is
an answer, and it comes from an unusual quarter, by which the Tsipras plan will
be dead in its first breath: Ancient Greece comes to the rescue of modern Greece,
in Aulis: Since it is impossible presently for the Opposition to force
an election, the only way that would impel an election is by the resignation of Prokopis Pavlopoulos
from the presidency. The reasons for his resignation would be plausible and
cogent, that is, that he is unwilling and it is repugnant for him to preside under
the fiendish machinations of the Tsipras government to undermine the
Constitution, and its attacks against the Judiciary, that would lead to the
subversion of democracy. Hence, Pavlopoulos will be summoned to be the modern
Iphigenia whose sacrifice would release the storming winds that will sweep
Tsipras and his comrades from The Maximou House (The White House of Greece). In
this solution time is a crucial factor, and those persons who are close to
Pavlopoulos will have to move swiftly and persuade him to accept this summons
and go to the Euripidean Aulis, to his rendezvous
with destiny. The question is: Will Prokopis Pavlopoulos have the spiritual and
moral fortitude and intellectual insight and strength to sacrifice himself for
the sake of Greece?
PS There might
be within SYRIZA some righteous people. But if they do not oppose this
insidious plan of Tsipras, they will suffer the Aeschylian fate. “A righteous man by himself is formidable.
But a righteous man conjoined with the wicked perishes with them.”